Operating System Environment
Windows: Windows® 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 8.1
Mac: Macintosh 8.x, 9.x, OS X
Disk Storage: 10 MB available hard-drive space
Display Resolution: 800 x 600 pixels (1024 x 768 recommended)
Web Browser Support
Windows: Internet Explorer 6.x through 11.x
If your Internet Explorer 10 or 11.x version cannot display the ESM, please apply the compatibility view mode on your Internet Explorer.
Mac: Mac 8.x/9.x: Internet Explorer 5.2; Max OS X Mac OS X: Safari 4.1.3 through 6.05
Required Support: JavaScript, CSS, Cookies, pop-ups enabled
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Additional Software/Plugins
Adobe® SVG Viewer®
Adobe Acrobat Reader: Adobe Reader 10.1.16, 11.0.13, Reader DC 15.09.20069 or higher.
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